Have You Ever Tried a Violet Mint?
Written by richie on April 2, 2012
Keeping in line with our theme of “Purple” I ask the question, “Have you Ever Tried a Violet Mint?” I know I have dissolved many (well, actually, I often bite them) in my mouth. Our Touch The Moon Candy Saloon, located in Downtown Youngstown, carries the famous Choward Violet Mints. The Violet Mints, a New York City staple, were created in 1930 in the Big Apple. They have a light, cool, fruity flavor and smell divine. They also appeal to your tongue due to their square, ridged shape.
The Touch The Moon Candy Saloon also carries Lemon, Peppermint, and Papaya Choward’s. Please stop in and try a Violent Mint. You will be the coolest kid on your block.
Touch The Moon Candy Saloon is located at:
8 S. Phelps St.
Youngstown, OH 44503
Phone: (330) 480-0829