We’re on LoudCity now! Click!
Written by richie on September 25, 2012
Just yesterday we scrambled and switched our stream over to LoudCity.com, and we are up and running… hard! If you have bookmarks set to the old LoudCaster deal, change ’em up. Head to http://loudcity.com/stations/golden-string-radio and choose how you want to listen. My personal favorite is the “iTunes” option which downloads a tiny pls file which you can then open in iTunes or the ultra versatile and lightweight VLC Player (free). You, of course, may choose your own destiny.
Also, if you use the TuneIn App on your smart phone, you must go to “Choose stream” and choose the only MP3 stream available. The other AAC streams are the old LoudCaster streams.
Works like a darn charm!
Questions? Technical help? Hit us up… contact us.