News Archive
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Listen to Michael K.s Tuesday Morning Quarterback
Hats off once again to everyone involved in making this year’s Beer, Wine & Chocolate taste a raging success! Here are your winners! Wine Red 1) Tom Klopta 2) Dean Cicone 3) Dan Yemma White 1) Tom Klopta 2) Dean Ciccone Mead/Fruit 1) Ken & Sandy Krainock 2) Richard Tomory 3) Michael Rendiniak Beer 1) […]
Gaelynn Lea made the news! Check out her WFMJ performances! [arve url=”″/] [arve url=””/]
Golden String Radio is proud to announce Gaelynn Lea live in concert at Purple Cat productions, 220 W. Boardman Street in Youngstown on January 17, 2016. It’s a variety show the likes of which only Golden String can pull off featuring your favorite Purple Cat Players, Casey Malone, our own Jimmy Sutman, and our guest […]
Dustin is from Greenville PA although he’s moved around quite a bit. His overall favorite activity is fishing but he also makes cutting boards out of wood to give as gifts and enjoys splitting firewood. Dustin works at Pearl street and likes the friendliness and working under Pat for the custodial team. If he could […]
We have some fantastic volunteers that donate their time, both on and off air, to help make Golden String Radio what it is today. Let’s get to know one of our longest serving volunteers: Gretchen Brown. Check her out every Monday night on Lost In Rotation. Q. What did you grow up listening to in […]
On December 10, 2015, a party was held in and around the radio studio to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Golden String Radio. The celebration was attended by most of the DJs and office staff members. DJs were encouraged to bring a covered dish, and pizza and beverages were supplied by Golden String Inc. […]
Support and Cricket’s Grillery and Distillery; Buy a Calendar! All proceeds go directly to Also eat at Crickets! The food is great and the people are kind.
Paul is from Boardman Ohio and has been with the Purple Cat for many years. He enjoys playing basketball, cleaning and watching N.C.I.S. Paul’s favorite food is pizza.
Sean was raised in New Castle and has been listening to rap music since 1999 when he heard Ja Rule on the ‘Can I Get A…’ single by Jay Z and company. Tupac has been his biggest inspiration musically. He wants to stand up for disabled people in the rap industry the way that Tupac […]
Information on this titan of tunes is coming shortly.
We have some fantastic volunteers that donate their time both on and off air to help make Golden String Radio what it is today. Today we get a chance to know our newest addition to Wednesday nights: Marty Hudak. Q: What did you grow up listening to in your youth? A: I started out like […]
Ray Mancini is a kind man. He also understands the mission of ISLE, Purple Cat, and On Friday, October 9, 2015 his foundation, The Ray Mancini Foundation, sponsored and hosted a Harvest Dance at Mr. Anthony’s in Boardman. Over 150 of his new friends from the organizations attended the dinner. They were treated to […]
Check out the Purple Cat Music Class (PCMC) in this edition of Take 5 With the Regional Chamber. [youtube id=”X-HC75C6dlY”] Come and jam with our friends at The Purple Cat in this installment of Take 5 with the Regional Chamber! We joined in on one of Purple Cat’s music classes and visited with some rock […]
DONATIONS WANTED for our friends with disabilities: From time to time, our folks with disabilities need some items and cannot afford them. Golden String Inc. is currently on the lookout for the following items for their individuals with special needs: Records and CDs Appliances Dressers Suspenders (for males) Belts (for males) Radios Fishing equipment Golf […]
Please don’t forget about Gallagher’s Lunch Bucket for breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday! Your patronage supports wonderful folks like these! We have a crew that is full of smiles and ready to work! 1st Floor of the Oakhill Renaissance Building on Youngstown’s South side.
Radio show regular ‘Chuck from Uniontown’ hangs on to every Pirates pitch By Chris Togneri Saturday, May 9, 2015, 9:00 p.m. A Pirates flag, two crucifixes and framed photos of Roberto Clemente hang above his bed. A radio — tuned always to the Pirates flagship station — sits nearby; an oft-used telephone is within arm’s […]
From hard rock to metal, “D-Rex” is Golden String Radio’s authority on all things heavy (and a diehard wrestling fan and sports fanatic)! But don’t let that fool you! He loves to swoon the ladies from time to time with some songs from the heart as well. You can tune into “Rock ‘n’ Roll Jukebox” […]
Amy’s bio is coming right up. Check back very soon.